Monday, December 22, 2008

"... and visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.."

More Blinky Hijinx..

Blinky is still up to his old tricks.. over the last couple of nights, he's snapped this picture with the Boss..

.. and made a mess out of Aidan's dresser drawers!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gifts from Aunt Eileen

The boys received some Christmas gifts from Aunt Eileen today.. some cool play clothes and a couple of vests.. perfect for this mild winter weather we've been having..

and of course, the kittens had a ball playing with the discarded wrapping paper, tissue and boxes..

and then Bryce put on that vest and went all "Han Solo" on us! It was inevitable, really.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lessons from the Master: baking cookies

Bryce helped Gramma to make some Christmas cookies this morning.. he's learning from the master!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Our neighbors threw a great Christmas party this evening. I was only able to attend for the first hour or so, but when I got home later that night, the boys told me that SANTA visited the party!! And they managed to snap these pictures of him-- he gave each of the kids at the party a little present and told them to remember to be good between now and Christmas. Bryce was a little freaked out at first, from what I'm told, but eventually he warmed up to old St. Nick.
I can't believe I missed such a big moment!


I love Bryce's expression here..

the kids *love* Santa..

Aidan could barely believe his eyes..

well, some of the kids were a little less impressed with Santa, I guess..

Bryce finally managed to climb into Santa's lap..

Even the neighborhood Mom's got to make a request or two of Santa..

Christmas Baking

The last couple of days, we've been doing some serious cooking around here... getting ready for the holidays..

Friday, December 12, 2008

oh yeah, and..

Blinky brought new Christmas-time bath towels for the boys..

Blinky's baaaaack...

You might remember Blinky from last year. He's an elf from the North Pole who came to join us for a few weeks before Christmas. His stated mission was to keep an eye on the boys and report back to Santa if any last minute changes in plans regarding present delivery needed to be made based on behavior and so forth. But as we saw last year, Blinky seems intent on mischief as anything else while he's here.
When he left us last Christmas Eve, the boys begged us to tell Santa that we'd allow him to come back if he wanted. We made him promise that there would be no more grand theft auto..

So he's back.. and he's back up to his old tricks..

pulling out all the Sale papers..

and he dragged out all the Christmas movies

a few mornings ago, we came downstairs to find that he had spent the night playing with a bunch of the boys' Transformers..

and of course he found the camera and took a cheezeball self-portrait..

and then he toilet-papered the Christmas Tree.. (see him up there near the top?)
I have a bad feeling about this...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

White Christmastime...

we got a little snow today in Nashville...

Monday, December 08, 2008

Story Time

The boys get a kick out of reading stories at bed time.. and Aidan really enjoys playing up all the funny bits.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Gridiron Bryce

Playing football with Bryce in Gramma and Grampa's backyard...

Saturday, December 06, 2008

The kittens like the tree so much...

The cats clearly really like having the Christmas tree in the house...

I think they like it a little too much...


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Fireman Bryce to the rescue..

Bryce is a big helper.. he helped us trim the Christmas tree today.. and then he help to rescue some kitty cats from the tree too!
