Saturday, December 13, 2008


Our neighbors threw a great Christmas party this evening. I was only able to attend for the first hour or so, but when I got home later that night, the boys told me that SANTA visited the party!! And they managed to snap these pictures of him-- he gave each of the kids at the party a little present and told them to remember to be good between now and Christmas. Bryce was a little freaked out at first, from what I'm told, but eventually he warmed up to old St. Nick.
I can't believe I missed such a big moment!


I love Bryce's expression here..

the kids *love* Santa..

Aidan could barely believe his eyes..

well, some of the kids were a little less impressed with Santa, I guess..

Bryce finally managed to climb into Santa's lap..

Even the neighborhood Mom's got to make a request or two of Santa..

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