Friday, September 02, 2005

"Well, blow me down!"

If you're reading this, you have no doubt already been introduced by my sons to the wonder that is "The Wiggles."
And no mention of the Wiggles-- that Australian super-group, the adult men who dress like four members of the kiddie Starship Enterprise's bridge crew-- can go without reference to their whimsical (if not thoroughly sodden with drink) compatriot Captain Feathersword.

Bryce's latest craze is to play Captain Feathersword's 'Blow Me Down' game.
He looks at you, smiles coyly, then purses his lips and blows at you.
If you're smart, you'll pantomime being blown over by a huge gust of wind.
Then pick yourself back up, look back at Bryce, and blow back at him.. and watch, with amazement, as he sighs and flops himself down onto the floor, giggling all the way...

This scene can repeat itself time and again for hours...

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