Sunday, September 04, 2005


Bryce is big on pointing at things these days.
He wants to go in the kitchen, he points toward the kitchen.
He wants you to follow him into Aidan's room, he walks down the hall, turns, looks at you, and points toward Aidan's door.
He wants a cereal bar on the second shelf of the cabinet in the kitchen, he stands under the cabinet, points in that general direction, and grunts.

Well, it's not really a grunt. It sounds more just like he's blowing air through his sinuses somehow.

Who needs sign language, right? When you've got a chest full of air and a functioning index (and expressive) index finger?

So yesterday morning, Bryce wakes up in a kind of fussy mood. I try to pat him to put his head back down.. try to snuggle him... Sometimes this works and he sleeps another 90 minutes (and as you may know, those 90 minutes are gold!).

But when it doesn't work, the attempts at getting him to sleep only agitate him more.. and he kicks his feet more violently.. throws his head back and cries and howls with such ferocity, you might be led to think I was pouring sulphuric acid on his palms...

That's along the lines of what I got from him yesterday morning at about 7:03am.
(I feel foolish complaining, really. If this were his brother, this would have been playing out at 5:45...)

Speaking of his brother, from the kitchen, I hear Aidan ask his mother "What's wrong with Mr. Duck?" (remember those names? You thought he'd forgotten them by now? Oh how wrong you are!) "I'm going to go find out!"

So here comes the thundering herd of Aidan's feet down the hallway and he vaults himself up into bed and leans across my chest. Bryce is now sitting bolt upright, watching Aidan's entrance.

Aidan asks "What's wrong, Mr. Duck?"

And Bryce looks innocently back at Aidan from behind his big red pacifier.
Then points that accusing index finger squarely at me and grunts... twice. I guess the second one was for emphasis.

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