Dispatch from the Getting-Ready-For-School Battleground this morning:
Bryce this morning, yelling in protest against having to go to school this morning:
"My job is not going to school; my job is Batman's job. Batman doesn't go to school."
So Bryce is safely delivered to school now, in his Batman pajamas and mask. Any evil-doers at the pre-school better watch out!
Monday, March 31, 2008
"My Job is Batman's Job"
Posted by
9:23 AM
File this under: Bryce, Future professions, The things they say
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Morning 2008
A few shots from Easter morning..and hunting for Easter Eggs
For more pictures, go to my Flickr photostream, or try out our new Web Gallery
Posted by
9:56 PM
File this under: Easter, Easter treats
Saturday, March 22, 2008
"No the Easter Eggs are not going to die..."
And we thought the biggest struggle we'd have today would be getting the kids to choose colors for their eggs.. or to write their names on a couple of eggs with that clear waxy crayon...
"No, I have no idea why Dye and Die sound the same."
"Yes, they do sound like the same word, but they mean very different things."
Posted by
9:21 PM
File this under: Easter Eggs
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Soccer gets started!
Aidan and Bryce were scheduled to have their first soccer matches of the season (and for Bryce, the first of his career) yesterday. Aidan's game was rained out in the morning, but Bryce and his team played on in the afternoon. The turf was a little soggy, but the 3-4 year olds were gritty and didn't let a little water stop them! Plus, they were just so darn cute in their jerseys!
Bryce has lots to learn, but he's really having fun so we're looking forward to a good season!
Posted by
8:28 PM
More snow updates
A few more notes on the snow..
when the boys woke up that morning, Aidan looked out the window and saw all the white stuff he said "Yes! Thank you, God!"
Bryce: "Boy, that sure is a lot of snow!"
Aidan: "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!"
Posted by
8:17 AM
File this under: snow, The things they say
Posing with our Snow-Cowboy
Posted by
8:05 AM
File this under: snow, snowmen and snowball fights
Saturday, March 15, 2008
...and then it melted..
Listen to this. This is the sound of spring to me.. always has been since I was little. This is the sound we waited all winter to hear... and when we heard it, we were filled with dread. This is the sound that tells you the days of snowforts are ending and the muddy season is coming. At least, back home, that's what it was.
But here, less than 24 hours after it fell, the snow was melting, and fast.
Even before we finished the snowman, I could hear that sound, and I knew our poor old Snow Cowboy wouldn't be long with us.
Posted by
11:08 PM
File this under: snow, snowmen and snowball fights, videos
Paddy O'Flamingo in the snow
Posted by
11:07 PM
File this under: snow, winter wonderland
And just when we thought we might have seen the last of freezing Winter temperatures here, last week, we got a pretty good snowstorm. I'd guess we got 4-5 inches around our house. It started snowing here at about 6:30pm and snowed lazily through much of the night.. it was a beautiful snow to watch out the window that
Then, in the morning on Saturday, the snow kept coming down. We woke up to find this sight out our front windows.And out the back.. you can see we're anticipating St. Paddy's Day!
So it wasn't long before Aidan and Bryce were scrambling to get dressed and get out into the snow... and I don't know who taught them to make snowballs, but they're both pretty good at it!
And I must say that eating snow seemed to come quite naturally to Bryce, as well!
Then, once the boys had tired out and wandered back inside, I was left to build a snowman... by that time, the snow was already beginning to melt (more on that in a bit), so it was good and wet and, with as much snow as we had, I was able to whip up a pretty sizable snowman-- bigger than I've made since I was a kid-- in no time. Here we are standing with our "Snow Cowboy"..
Posted by
10:25 PM
File this under: snow, snowmen and snowball fights, winter wonderland
Kicking off Soccer Season
In the first week of March, now that we're all well again from that bout of the flu we suffered last month, we kicked off Soccer Season. The boys are playing in a Y League this year-- the Nashville Catholic league that Aidan played in this year doesn't seem to be running again.. and since the Y league fields teams in Bryce's age range, we figured it was a good fit for us. Bryce has really been anxious to get started with his own teams.
And so it begins. Our calendar has filled up with practices and games. But so far, both boys have really been enjoying it. The season runs into May, so we've got two good months in front of us of lots of good outdoors time, running around, (hopefully) kicking a ball occasionally. :) A good antidote to the winter-time bugs and
blahs we've been through in Jan and Feb.
(BTW, the tall guy in this picture is Aidan's coach-- he is a man of seemingly infinite patience, I must say.)
Posted by
10:11 PM
File this under: SoccerDad
February Updates
Yes, okay, I know.. It's been ages since the last update..
So let me catch you up on what's been happening the last month or so.
February can largely be summed up with the following:
For what seemed like, well, a month one or another of us in the house was laid low by some form of the flu. So while the weather was cold and ugly (and a little snowy, even) outside, we holed up in the house and tried our best to get (and stay) well.
But we did take a few pictures along the way.. so here's a look at what we've been up to:Aidan and Bryce have been playing lots of WebKinz on the computer...
Bryce has been doing a little art..
We got a little dusting of snow (2/13/08)
and of course we celebrated Valentine's...
...with Transformers!
Posted by
2:59 PM
File this under: Brothers, news and notes, snow