Aidan had his first meet of the new Cross Country Season this afternoon.
The 1st and 2nd Grade boys ran as a group-- so it was a bit more crowded at the starting line this year. But Aidan had a great run-- despite the heat (in the low-mid 90s at midday today)-- and finished near several of the other good runners in his class.
He was really happy when he finished... so we sat in the shade for a few minutes and had some ice water to drink..
Then while Bryce was asking me if we could go to the nearby playground, Aidan looked up and said "Guess what? My tooth came out!"After a quick, if slightly frantic search to find the tooth-- it was on the seat of his chair-- we dropped it into a ziplock bag and brought it home.
Aidan's anxious now for the tooth fairy to come. He's hoping that she'll bring him a half-dollar. Keep your fingers crossed!
6 years ago
1 comment:
So what is the Tooth Fairy's going rate these days?
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