Oh, this was a day Aidan's been waiting for since the first whispers of summer's end-- time to go to the PUMPKIN PATCH!
(we just got back, and man are we whipped!)
I took the day off and came along for the ride with Mama, Bryce, Aidan, and the rest of Aidan's pre-school class.We spent the first part of the day at Crockett Park. Aidan had a great time running all over the park, swinging on swings, and sliding down every slide in the place.
Then we had lunch and headed over to Walden Farm. The Waldens grow 10 acres of pumpkins, but they've got all kinds of farm-related things for kids to do... So we went on a hay-ride around the farm, petted some sheep, Aidan got bit by a turkey (just a nip on the finger-- nothing for Gramma to worry about!), fed some corn to a few goats, walked through a corn-maze....
and then, finally, the main event...
Aidan and Bryce each got to pick out a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch...
All in all, a FULL day, to say the least. Bryce is napping now even as I write this.. and Aidan is well on his way to an early bed-time.
6 years ago
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