Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Bryce's Full Day

Those of you who haven't been tracking Bryce's gradual 'settling' into a pre-school routine may not find this news very exciting... but I did want to let the word get out that Bryce spent a full day at school today.. for the first time since his very first day (when he had no idea what was happening).

For the last several weeks, Bryce has been going to school for his twice-weekly class.. but since that first day, he was raising such a fuss that the teacher was having to call Mama and have her come pick him up after just the first two hours. This routine has shown small signs of improvement over the last month or so, as Bryce has slowly become less and less HYSTERICAL during those two hours, but...
1) he steadfastly refused to lay down during nap-time
2) he rarely if ever participated in activities his classmates were doing...

...until today!

Last week, and again on Monday, we got a good report-- that Bryce was doing better during the day.. and rather than coming straight over at 11:00 to pick him up, Mama had started calling over to the school to see if perhaps she could extend the time a little before coming to get him. On Monday, he did pretty well, but if memory serves Mama still wound up getting him sometime around noon.

But today, when she called the school, they said that he was doing great! And he napped! And when he woke up from his nap, did he begin screaming hysterically-- as he often does when roused from a nap at home?-- No! He played!! A 100% turnaround! Until Mama picked both boys up at the normal time, 2:00.

Our boy does have a scholastic future!
What a relief.

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