Friday, December 12, 2008

Blinky's baaaaack...

You might remember Blinky from last year. He's an elf from the North Pole who came to join us for a few weeks before Christmas. His stated mission was to keep an eye on the boys and report back to Santa if any last minute changes in plans regarding present delivery needed to be made based on behavior and so forth. But as we saw last year, Blinky seems intent on mischief as anything else while he's here.
When he left us last Christmas Eve, the boys begged us to tell Santa that we'd allow him to come back if he wanted. We made him promise that there would be no more grand theft auto..

So he's back.. and he's back up to his old tricks..

pulling out all the Sale papers..

and he dragged out all the Christmas movies

a few mornings ago, we came downstairs to find that he had spent the night playing with a bunch of the boys' Transformers..

and of course he found the camera and took a cheezeball self-portrait..

and then he toilet-papered the Christmas Tree.. (see him up there near the top?)
I have a bad feeling about this...

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