Thursday, May 31, 2007

This is how Kindergarten ends..

Today, Aidan finished kindergarten. The last day of school.
Tomorrow will be the first day of what we hope will be a long, lazy summer..

Yesterday, he actually came home with a lot of the stuff from his classroom-- papers, workbooks mostly completed, and his work-box. I was out of town last night, so I only got to look some of this stuff over tonight and when I opened his work-box-- brimming with worked-over crayons, thick pencils, a worn eraser, glue stick.. and the name-tag he wore on Day 1, a little dog-eared and worn, but still sitting there right on top-- it really took my breath away.

Everyone expects it when you feel a little misty over the first day of school..
But no one tells you what to expect on the last day of school..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great pics & descriptions! Love Mom
Felt your tears over last day of kindergarden