Tuesday, May 01, 2007

a few quick notes

Well, as if updates weren't coming slowly enough around here, now our main home computer will be out of commission for a few days-- taking it into the shop to get the power supply replaced.

One note from the human infirmary: we took Bryce to the pediatrician yesterday-- he's got a double-ear infection; so, much as he denied that his ears were bothering him all weekend, now he's got some antibiotics and, 24 hours into the doses and after a good night's sleep last night, he seems to be feeling much better-- though the temper remains on something of a hair trigger-- this morning.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Awww, poor Bryce (and you and Aidan it seems). Sorry y'all are under the weather. Hope it's short-lived!ell