Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I like 1st Grade

Aidan may have set his sights on being a 4th grade teacher, but he may have a hard time getting there if he keeps thinking like this:

I like 1st Grade. I want to stay in it next year.

Really? You want to stay in 1st grade?

Yeah, I like Ms. Price and I like 1st Grade.

But won't you get bored learning all the same stuff all over again?

What? [This is where Aidan gives me a look like-- "are you crazy? I'll never get tired of adding 4+2 and coloring the clouds with even numbers blue and those with odd numbers orange."]

Well, okay. 1st grade again next year. But you know all your friends will have moved on into 2nd grade by then.

[This makes him think for quite a while.. and then...]

Yeah, okay, Dad. I'll go into 2nd grade next year.

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