Aidan had his first T-Ball game today. He got a hat and shirt with the logo of his team (the "Sounds" after Nashville's local Triple-A club) :)
Aidan was first up to bat and got a clean single in his first go. Then, despite some good coaching from one of the other dads down the first base line, on the next hit, he ran straight for the rolling ball, hoping to field it. That ball was called foul, so he went back to first. With the next crack of the bat, he ran straight for third.
Well, it was just the first game. :)
He was more disappointed with his performance in the field-- he wasn't able to field any of the balls that were batted his way. But then, every ball was basically followed by a brigade of kids chasing after it, falling on top of it, all in a cloud of dust and dirt. He'll get the hang of it.. and his coach, Doug, mentioned that they'd have to work on keeping everyone in position so everyone has a fair shot at fielding a ball.Oh, and he's wearing #3-- we explained to him after the game that #3 is a pretty auspicious number to wear...
Here are a few more pictures from the ballgame:
6 years ago
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