Sunday, October 15, 2006

Cross Country's over?

Aidan had his fourth and final Cross Country meet today.

I shot some more video and (really will) be posting a little clipped-together compilation very soon..
Over the course of the last several weeks, Aidan's really developed into quite the little runner. He's not the fastest out there, but he has fun and seems to enjoy the competition-- sometimes a little too much-- "I beat you, Will!"

So we're focusing on the more important stuff with him-- finishing, running hard, and having fun. All of which he's done superbly I think.

And Bryce has really honed his cheering skills. He asks to be lifted up so he can see the runners and then, mimicking all the parents around him, he claps his hands and shouts things like "Yeah, runners! Way to go!"

And then at the end of the race today, Bryce gave Aidan a big hug and said "I'm so proud of you."

Well, I guess it's good to know the kids don't only hear the cussing their Mama and I utter.

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