Is there really anything I need to say by way of narration here?
Saturday, December 30, 2006
"I think I heard Santa!"
Surprisingly, the boys slept well while Santa made his visit on Christmas Eve. On Christmas morning, at around 6am, though Aidan came racing into our room and climbed into bed, whispering as loudly as he could "I think I heard Santa!"
What he didn't realize was that Aunt Laura and Uncle Ross were creeping into the house around that time so they could deliver a few gifts and be there for the morning festivities. He must have heard them creeping around downstairs...
So he buried himself in the covers and said to me "We'd better stay here in bed until he's gone!"
So, blissfully, we got an extra 20 minutes or so of sleep that morning... and a really happy memory of Aidan and Bryce (who snoozed through this whole incident and had to be roused by hand before he started bouncing on the bed and urging us to go downstairs) making their way down the stairs to peek and see what Santa brought them.
Posted by
1:37 PM
Can Santa have a beer?
On Christmas Eve, Aidan (Bryce fell asleep on the way home from Gramma and Grampa's) oats for the reindeer.. and cookies for Santa.. and milk... but no beer?
Posted by
1:20 PM
File this under: Christmas
Making of a football hotdog
We spent Christmas eve at Gramma and Grampa's.. and Aidan and I threw his new football in the backyard for a little while.Aidan enjoyed 'running for a touchdown'..
...and Mama coached him on his celebration technique.
Posted by
1:15 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
Look at the sign...
Plenty of Christmas updates are forthcoming..
but I had to write a note about this while it's fresh in my mind.
Yesterday, all four of us were in the van, driving back from an afternoon visit to a nearby park, and Bryce was completely sacked out in his car seat. Mama and I figured out that we should stop by the grocery to grab a couple of things for supper that night and decided that Aidan and I would run into the store while Mama stayed in the car with Bryce.
Aidan picked up on this and started lobbying for an alternative plan:
Aidan: Why don't Mom and Aidan go in the store while Daddy waits in the car with Bryce?
Mama explained that Daddy should go, but Aidan wasn't buying it... until finally, he resorted to the authority of an invisible sign:
Aidan: Mom, look at the sign in front of you.
Mama: What sign?
Aidan: The sign in front of you. It says Mom will go with Aidan into the store and Daddy will stay in the car with Bryce. It's an invisible sign, Mom, but I can read it for you.
Posted by
9:15 AM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Lots of Christmas baking!
And speaking of Zucchini bread and assorted goodies, there's been lots of Christmas baking going on around here...
Thank goodness Bryce was willing to pitch in and help clean up afterward!
Posted by
9:50 PM
File this under: Food
Friday, December 22, 2006
Anatomy of a crime
Bryce and Aidan got hold of the digital camera this afternoon and
started snapping pictures around the house..
At some point, Bryce decided he was interested in the left-over
zucchini bread on the kitchen counter..
Well, I think the photographic evidence speaks for itself..
Posted by
9:47 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
You better not pout...
Santa Claus is coming to town!
Well, Santa made a special visit to Bryce's school and with Aidan already on Christmas break, both boys were able to visit with him...
Aidan hopped right into his lap and started yakking at him about life on the North Pole.. but Bryce wasn't so sure he wanted to get up close and personal with the man in the big beard..
Posted by
10:09 PM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Christmas packages
Packages have been arriving steadily for the boys... and excitement builds with each ring of the doorbell around here...
Today, two packages arrived from Aunt Eileen..
Posted by
6:06 PM
File this under: Christmas
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Bryce sings all your Christmas favorites...
... or perhaps not.
Watch here as, despite all the best efforts of the YMCA pre-school to stage this Christmas Choral presentation, complete with nominal choir director (that's the woman in the red sweater who motions to the children in a vain attempt to give structure to the event), Bryce and his surly gang of 2-year old non-conformists steadfastly refuse to sing! And so order gradually slips from the Y Staff's grasp...
See if you can catch the moment when Bryce spots his Mom and asks "where's Aunt Patty?"
Posted by
9:27 PM
File this under: Christmas
Aidan sings Rudolph!
Sorry for the shaky-cam-- it was the best I could do, considering we were at full-zoom from the back of the gym, and Bryce was yanking my arm, wanting to see the camera (you can hear him in the background asking questions)...
Posted by
8:22 AM
File this under: Christmas
Aidan's Christmas performance
As promised-- though a little late-- some pictures from the 'Fine Arts Performance' at St. Ed's. Aidan got up on stage with the rest of his classmates and sang some Christmas carols-- and yes, he actually sang!
Posted by
7:47 AM
File this under: Christmas
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Beginning to look a lot like Christmas..
We did some serious Christmas decorating last week.. and the boys got into the spirit helping us to put ornaments on the tree (and then they went down to Gramma and Grampa's this weekend and helped decorate their tree as well!)...
Posted by
9:35 PM
File this under: Christmas