Well, as expected the boys had a magnificent Halloween this year.
Aidan went as a clown and Bryce went as Woody from Toy Story and they got to visit with a bunch of our new friends from the neighborhood and meet a few new people, as well.They both came back from trick-or-treating with loads of candy and then were excited to sit on the front porch and watch for trick-or-treaters coming to our house so they could be the ones to dole out some candy.
Aunt Frances and Uncle Wyatt came over for dinner last night and we carved some pumpkins, so we had plenty of good jack-o-lanterns decorating the porch through the night.
Now that they've come down off the sugar-high, we've managed to get the boys both into bed, so we're all winding down here now..
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
Posted by
9:52 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Over the weekend, our friends Janeen and Paul, and their daughter Carly Beth visited us from Mississippi.
Carly Beth is 3 and Aidan and Bryce had a WONDERFUL time playing with her while she was here.
Posted by
9:19 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Cross Country's over?
Aidan had his fourth and final Cross Country meet today.
I shot some more video and (really will) be posting a little clipped-together compilation very soon..
Over the course of the last several weeks, Aidan's really developed into quite the little runner. He's not the fastest out there, but he has fun and seems to enjoy the competition-- sometimes a little too much-- "I beat you, Will!"
So we're focusing on the more important stuff with him-- finishing, running hard, and having fun. All of which he's done superbly I think.
And Bryce has really honed his cheering skills. He asks to be lifted up so he can see the runners and then, mimicking all the parents around him, he claps his hands and shouts things like "Yeah, runners! Way to go!"
And then at the end of the race today, Bryce gave Aidan a big hug and said "I'm so proud of you."
Well, I guess it's good to know the kids don't only hear the cussing their Mama and I utter.
Posted by
9:19 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Cross Country Meet #3
Just a quick note to say that Aidan had his third (of four) cross country meet yesterday-- and not only did he finish again this week, but he really blew by some of the competition.
Now understand, there are some kids-- even at the kindgergarten level-- who would appear to be getting coaching on the side from the Kenyan national team. But, with Grampa and Aunt Laura there to cheer him on this week, Aidan did really well and finished up pretty close to a few of the kids who are normally way out in front!
Next week is the last of the cross country meets for the year.
Posted by
4:12 PM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
"Oh my gracious!"
It's funny how your toddler can sometimes transmit to you the little things their teachers must say during the day.
Bryce was looking at photos of Aidan's classmates online with his Mama when, out of the blue, Bryce, in response to one of the photos, says "Oh my gracious!"
Our only guess is that this must be one of those little everyday turns of phrase that Bryce's pre-school teacher, Ms. Jean, must use.
Posted by
8:09 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Cowboy Round-Up!
It's Cowboy Round-Up at Aidan's school today.
Aidan and his friend Andrew posed for this picture shortly after we got there.
Oh, to be in Kindergarten again!
Posted by
8:42 AM
Monday, October 02, 2006
Crossing the finish line feels good!
Just wanted to make sure and get a quick note up here about Aidan's second Cross Country meet-- which he ran yesterday.
It was a beautiful, sunny day-- 86 degrees, but with a cool breeze (that note for any of the family from the North who may be reading this!)
He did just fine and didn't seem to worry at all about a repeat of last week.
He ran right through the parking lot section of the course and straight on to the finish line..
In fact, after snapping a picture of him running by in the parking lot, I tried to scamper over to the finish line in time to catch a picture of him there, but no luck-- he'd beaten me there!So this second picture is of the Finish Line, with Aidan having disappeared around the corner and into the crowd around the Finish Line just a moment before.
He was very excited and proud to have finished the race.. and he really looked great out there!
Posted by
10:28 PM