Sunday, August 27, 2006
Playing Pirates
Last Sunday morning, the boys amused themselves playing pirates.. they tore the couch apart (throwing all the cushions onto the floor) to make their pirate ship. Then they put on their costumes and were off sailing on the high seas!
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9:19 AM
Friday, August 18, 2006
Day 2
This is a quick picture of Aidan as he came downstairs, ready to go for Day 2.
And just to let you know, Day 2 went just fine. Aidan had lunch with his class and met more of his classmates-- Matthew, Ari, Austin, Leonardo, and Talah. And although his friend Keaton is in the other Kindergarten class, he gets to see him out on the playground at recess.
Aidan has settled right in. Now it's just up to me to adjust to the new commute!
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8:48 PM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
And so it begins...
Aidan started Kindergarten today.
We were, naturally, worried over the change in schedule (getting to school at 7:30 instead of his accustomed pre-school 9:00am), the change in school clothes (a uniform, no more tie-dyed t-shirts to class anymore), new kids, new classroom, new teacher.. the list goes on.But Aidan gamely popped out of bed this morning, put on his uniform (informing me-- "Look Daddy, I'm dressed like you today."), and jumped in the car with his new book bag.
We took a few pictures along the way, of course.We got to school and walked him into his classroom. He took a look around, immediately searched for his cubby so he could hang his book bag up, and found his seat.
Incidentally, Bryce similarly plopped himself into a seat and started playing with the letters game he found on the table in front of him.
Ms. Natcher, the teacher, handed out little baggies filled with peanuts and a little inscription:"Don't worry. We'll take care of your little peanut."
Mama says that little baggie and the laugh she got out of reading it is what saved her from tears this morning. I don't think she was the only one, judging from the rest of the room.
When we told Aidan it was time for us to leave, he gave us hugs-- including Bryce (who was, as this was happening, asking us where we were going, as if he were going to be staying too)-- took a moment to look his Mama in the eyes, then ran over and set down in with a group of kids and started telling them about how we drove here in our van.
Mama went to pick him up this afternoon and he reported that he had a good day at school-- it was just a half-day, with pick-up at 11:30; first full day will be tomorrow-- he said he played with the kids in his class, and Mama says he seemed a little disappointed that he didnt' get to have lunch or naptime, since it was a short day.
Well, maybe tomorrow.
So our little boy seems pretty well adjusted. I'm sure there will be some adjusting to do later, maybe next week.. but for now, Aidan seems up for the adventure of finding out about a whole new school.
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9:24 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
So it's been a little while since our last update.
We're all moved into the new house...
We closed on the new house on 7/14, and you may as well have heard a starting pistol fire with all the activity that followed in the two weeks that followed. That, and it was about 125 degrees here in Nashville that week-- what a time for a heat-wave!The POD guys came and took the fully loaded POD from the old house to the new house.
The boys were excited to watch the POD being lifted and taken away.. but they were, naturally, happy to have the comfort and reassurance of having their Mama nearby throughout..
Then the furniture movers came and brought all of the furniture over to the new house..
And it was around this time that Sylvie, our erstwhile, if elderly cat, started to get a little upset and hid in the cabinets at the old house.
and now, after about 300 round-trips in the car, moving all the boxes and last minute things, we're all moved.. though I wouldn't say we've made a lot of progress with unpacking. We've got the daily, routine essentials worked out...
Aidan's last T-Ball game of the season was last Thursday evening. Coach Doug was out of town last week, so Daddy manned the Tee for the week. It was a really hot day and the kids were all really worn out, but they had a good time and were all sorry to hear that it would be the last game of the season. They all really came a long way in the last few weeks though, really hitting the ball well. Maybe next year, we'll focus on fielding and catching. There's always room for improvement.
So now, the rest of the summer will be spent with boxes, boxes, boxes!
And Aidan and Bryce have gotten into the spirit of it!
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10:58 AM