Wednesday, December 28, 2005


The Costume Trunk was a big hit at Christmas... here are a few more pictures:

"Emeril says 'Bam!'"

"King Aidan"

"King Grampa" helps Aidan to put together a new puzzle


For Christmas, Santa brought Aidan a really great 'Dress-Up trunk' full of all kinds of great costumes he and his brother can put on and wear around the house.

Aidan's favorite movie lately has been Toy Story 1 & 2, so when he spotted the Cowboy costume in his new trunk, he instantly decided to be Woody... and his horse, just like Woody's, is named Bulls-Eye!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Here Comes Santa Claus!

Aidan and Bryce left out cookies and milk for Santa tonight before heading to bed...
Aidan had done this before, so he got it a little better than Bryce who seemed a bit confused that we were setting food otu on the table when it was NOT dinner time (notice he climbed up into his high chair thinking he'd be next to receive some cookies)...

"Hellooooo Santa!"

Through the wonders of the internet, we've been tracking Santa this morning, thanks to the good people at NORAD. According to their website, Santa is currently flying over Indonesia!

Aidan and Bryce are waving at the screen and Aidan's saying "Helloooo Santa!"

Sylvie, you're not a present!

This morning, Christmas Eve morning, Aidan came out of his room and, as he does every morning in the month of December, goes into the Living Room to check on our tree.
This morning, he found Sylvie, the cat, lying under the tree..
and he exclaimed "Sylvie, what are you doing under the tree? You're not a present!
[this picture is actually from Christmas 2002-- NOT a photo of the actual event-- but does prove that Sylvie has spent some time under a few Christmas Trees in her day]

Saturday, December 17, 2005

"All I want for Christmas..."

Aidan and Bryce met Santa Claus at school this week... and Aidan very clearly told Santa what he wants for Christmas:

1) a train that moves by itself
2) a whole bunch of Wedgits

(Note to the family, we've got these requests covered-- don't take these as marching orders :) )

Friday, December 16, 2005

Potty Humor

Well, put this one in the "Wow, I wasn't expecting that today" File..

Bryce cried until his mother put him up on the potty and then, like as if he'd been doing it for ages, he went.

I know many, if not all of you, will be happy to know that I don't intend to post any photographic evidence of the event in this space.

And for those of you scoring at home, that's #2 doing a #1 in the top of his 20th month.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Jingle Bell Rock

Yesterday was the Christmas program at the little YMCA Pre-school that Aidan and Bryce go to. Aidan got a little stage fright when he got up there and saw all the collected audience... but then, as you can see from this picture, he got a little more comfortable when he saw his Mama come up to the front row to be near him...

And when I'm talking about the audience, take a look at this... notice the veritable wall of photo- and videographic equipment. Have you seen a more intimidating display? Looking at this, I can understand Aidan getting a little weepy at the sight of it!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Looking a lot like Christmas...

We decorated trees at our house and at Gramma and Grampa's this weekend..

and the boys both really got into the spirit of it!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

.Mac site is updated

Go here for some new pictures from our trip to Knoxville and Asheville.
In Asheville, since so many in our group had still cameras, I mostly used the video camera.. so I'll be clipping something together from that in the next couple of weeks, I hope.
But until then, I'm hoping the family will send me all their pictures so I can compile them and post them for all to see... (Hey Brian, I'm talking to you!) :)